Monday 3 May 2010


It was a hot summers day in the small village of Staunton. My friend Matt and I thought we would take advantage of this brilliant whether however we decided to go cow herding, perhaps it wasn't such a good idea as we thought, so this is how it turned out. Now bare in mind this field is like a mile long in all directions, so if anything were to go wrong chances of an escape was slim. So we began herding the cows of 20+ they were big things some young bulls were amongst these cows. We eventually managed to herd the cows down to the other end of the field, one cow broke off from the rest of the cows, charged at Matt within a few seconds of the charge my friend gave out an EERRRRGGHH!!!! The cow turned away and went to join the others, my friend had ran quite a bit from the cow, i was stood there laughing.

so after like a minute after the cow had returned to the other cows, they were all gathered in the corner of this field, Matt yells out "Ross look behind you!!!" So I look behind me only noticing the cows walking around so turn back and he yells again "Over there" So I look again to notice the cows from the far right running towards me well as you can guess I yelled out certain few words as you could imagine, so I then high tailed it and ran. I swear i had never ran so fast probably because what was going through my mind was holy S?$T I'm going to die as the ten metre in width herd of cows was right on my tail at full speed chasing me across this field, i was like oh my god wheres the gate, i managed to run half the field in less than a few seconds, i wasn't sure whether to turn around and go EERRRGGH!!! Like Matt did but there was too many, all Matt was doing was laughing his head, no lie it would have been funny had it been recorded. Luckily the cows decided to brake off and I had the chance to stop and catch my breathe, then all of the cows and young bulls circled around me, I was thinking hmmmmm I'm done for it must have been my lucky day as they began to brake off and run their drinking thing, because i wanted to get my own back on the cows, so as they ran passed i stomped forward and went errggh!!! Suprise suprise the cows weren't to happy about that and did same back to me, they eventually all ran to the other side of the field leaving me with the opportunity to escape.